Hey A+B Besties!

Welcome back to the Allie+Bess blog! Today, we're diving into a topic that's near and dear to our hearts—keeping your beautiful jewelry looking its absolute best! Whether you're sporting our fabulous waterproof pieces or other stunning accessories, we've got the scoop on how to maintain that fresh, sparkling look. Let's get started!

Waterproof Wonders

 First things first—always check the “details” or description of each item you're purchasing. If it says “waterproof,” you're in luck! These jewelry pieces are designed to withstand rain or shine, pool or party. Feel free to wear them with confidence, knowing they'll stay as stunning as ever.

Care Tips for Non-Waterproof Jewelry

 For those cherished pieces that don't have the waterproof label, follow these essential tips to keep them in top shape:

Limit Exposure: Plated metals can naturally tarnish over time, especially when exposed to body oils and other natural elements. To preserve their beauty, limit their exposure to water, body oils, perspiration, cosmetics, and cleaning agents. These can cause discoloration and dull the finish.


Beauty Routine First: Apply your makeup, lotion, perfume, and hairspray before putting on your jewelry. This helps to prevent any unwanted chemicals from coming into contact with your precious pieces.

Skip the Bath: Avoid wearing your jewelry while bathing or swimming. Water and jewelry are not the best of friends, so it's best to keep them apart to maintain their shine.

Gentle Cleaning: After each wear, gently wipe the surface of your jewelry with a soft cloth. This simple step helps keep it clean and polished, ensuring it always looks its best.


Nighttime Routine: Remove your jewelry before going to bed at night. This prevents any accidental tugging or scratching while you sleep, keeping your pieces safe and sound.

Smart Storage: Store your jewelry in an airtight plastic bag. This helps to prevent tarnishing and scratching, ensuring your accessories stay in pristine condition for years to come.

By following these tips, you'll keep your Allie+Bess jewelry looking fabulous and ready to shine at every occasion. 

Happy accessorizing!

Love A+B

Molly Wilson